Rdesktop Android

Nov 17, 2020 Microsoft Remote Desktop is also available for macOS, Android, and iOS. Microsoft's instructions for using the built-in RDP client are available via Microsoft's Documentation. Another popular macOS client is CoRD. Popular clients for Linux are rdesktop, krdc, and Remmina. SFTP - Secure File Transfer Protocol. Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for enthusiasts and power users of the Android operating system. It only takes a minute to sign up. Sign up to join this community. Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top.

That's a very good question. I mixed up my answer with ubuntu-to-windows rdp connection. Still, you can do it with cygwin, but the gui rdesktop client in windows works as expected:) Try the gnome-session-fallback, maybe you will have better results – Savvas Radevic Jan 2 '12 at 21:15. Nov 09, 2013 Download xrdp for free. RDP Server - An open source RDP server and X server capable of accepting connections from rdesktop and ms terminal server clients.

This tutorial will show you how to connect to your Windows VPS or dedicated server at Contabo via RDP from different operating systems.

The following scenarios will be covered:

Connections from desktop operating systems:

  • Establishing a RDP connection from WindowsOS (e.g. Windows 7, 8, 10)
  • Establishing a RDP connection from LinuxOS (e.g. Debian, Ubuntu)
  • Establishing a RDP connection from MacintoshOS (e.g. Apple MacBook)

Connections from mobile devices:

  • Establishing a RDP connection from Android based systems (e.g. Samsung Galaxy)
  • Establishing a RDP connection from iOS based systems (e.g. Apple iPhone)
RDP connections from Windows
  • on Windows 7: Please navigate to the “Start icon” of the taskbar and search for “Remote Desktop Connection”
  • bei Windows 8/10: Please navigate to the “Windows icon” of the taskbar and search for “Remote Desktop Connection”

The RDP client should start as follows:

Now you should be able to connect to your server using its hostname (e.g. “vmiXXXXX.contaboserver.net” for VPS or “mXXXX.contaboserver.net” for dedicated servers) or the IP address (e.g. “173.xxx.xxx.xxx“). The RDP session will be established within a few seconds automatically.

Alternatively, you might choose a few options beforehand (e.g. screen resolution and audio settings). Therefore, please click on the “Show Options” button:


  • The screen resolution can be individually modified using the slider
  • If you would like to pass through the audio signal to your local PC, you have to set the “Remote audio playback” function to “Play on this computer
  • If you would like to make your local printer available on your server, please enable the “Printer” option at the “Local devices and resources” section (Important: The printer device driver must be compellingly installed on your server!)
  • The clipboard is enabled by default, so STRG + C / STRG + V will always work. It can be disabled by disabling its checkbox


If you determine issues while connecting to your server, please find enclosed some information about how to fix them:

1. “Remote Desktop can’t connect to the remote computer for one of these reasons”:

Causes / Solutions:

  • Please check whether your server is responding to Ping (= ICMP) requests. If not, please try to reboot your server using your customer control panel: https://my.contabo.com/account/login
  • If you use a VPS, you can also connect to your server through VNC to check the server and firewall settings:
  • If you use a dedicated server, please get in contact with us at support@contabo.com, if you do not have a KVM device attached to your server yet

2. “The remote session was disconnected because there are no Remote Desktop Licence Servers available to provide a license. Please contact the server administrator.”

Causes / Solutions:

Obviously, a terminal service was installed on your server and no active licence server has been assigned yet. After the grace period of 90 respectively 120 days, all temporarily licences will be deleted and all further RDP logins will be rejected.

To fix this issue, you either have to delete the terminal service or the affected Windows Registry key

  • If you rent a VPS, you can connect to your server through VNC to perform the required steps:
  • If you use a dedicated server and you do not have a KVM device attached to your server yet, please get in contact with us at support@contabo.com

* The required server role “Remote Desktop Services” can be deleted at the server manager (“Remove roles and features”)
* The affected Registry key can be deleted at the following path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlTerminal ServerRCMGracePeriod

Important: Please be careful while changing settings at the Windows registry! Please create a full backup of the registry beforehand.

* Now please perform a reboot of your server and you should be able to login to your server afterwards again

RDP connection from Linux

Alternatively, you can also connect from Linux to yourWindows server via RDP. There is a command line based program called “rdesktop” and it is usable for all available linux distributions.

  • Installation:

sudo apt-get install rdesktop

  • Start the RDP connection:

rdesktop <IP address>

Now the RDP connection has been established and you can login to your server using the initial login credentials.

Important information:

  • In order to be able to establish a RDP connection, your Linux system must have an X11 server available. It should be installed by default if you already use a GUI (graphical desktop environment – e.g. “Gnome” or “KDE”)
  • Please note, it is generally not recommended to establish a RDP connection through SSH
  • Alternatively, there is another program called ‘freeRDP’, which can be used instead of ‘rdesktop’. Please find more information about it at http://www.freerdp.com/
RDP connection from MacOS

In order to be able to establish a RDP connection from MacOS based systems (e.g. Apple MacBook), a RDP client is also required. Please find enclosed a download URL to get the latest RDP client version:

Afterwards, you can start the RDP client following by entering the Windows login credentials (at the “Domain:” field, you can either use the server’s IP address or the hostname):

Please always use the latest RDP client version from iTunes, so it is ensured that no connection issues occur!


1. “Remote Desktop Connection cannot verify the identity of the computer that you want to connect to”:

=> This kind of error message is mostly caused by an old respectively outdated RDP client version

Causes / Solutions:

  • Please make sure, that you are currently using the latest RDP client version (download-URL above)
RDP connection from Android-based systems

To establish a RDP connection from Google-Android-based systems (e.g. Samsung Galaxy) please use the following RDP client directly from the Google App store. You can always download the latest RDP client version here:

RDP connection from iOS-based systems

Last of all, we would like to inform you about the possibility of how to connect to your Windows server via an iOS-based system (e.g. Apple iPhone).

Please find enclosed the download URL to get the latest RDP client version:

Very important: In order to use the latest RDP client above, iOS version8.0 is required at least!

If you have any further questions about connecting via RDP to your server or need help, please do not hesitate to contact us at support@contabo.com.


I am Steinar, although online, many will know me as Sesse. After seven years of living in Zürich, I now live in Trondheim, in my home country of Norway. I currently work in the MySQL optimizer team for Oracle; before that, I worked for Google, where I worked on projects such as IPv6, Snappy, Search by Image, Offline Maps, TensorFlow, and many more I cannot talk about. I sometimes take pictures, and I play ultimate.


You can reach me by:

  • Email (preferred):steinar+web@gunderson.no
  • IRC: Sesse, on EFNet, IRCNet, Freenode and OFTC
  • Signal:+47 91777189 (no unsolicited calls, please)


I happen to be quite good at changing patterns of lights, so I do that a lot. A lot of the code I write is made available, even the projects that are not very useful, or even completely unfinished. Most of them are just Git repositories, but some have things that look like web pages dedicated to them. The list of projects includes:

Video tech

  • Movit, a library for high-quality, high-performance video filters (Libre Graphics World article).
  • Nageru, a live video mixer.
  • Futatabi, a multi-camera replay system.
  • cubemap, a scalable video reflector, designed to be used together with VLC and/or Nageru.

Other popular

  • mpm-itk, an Apache MPM for running different vhosts as different users.
  • plocate, a much faster locate.
  • pr0n, the code used for my image gallery.
  • remoteglot, a program used to use a UCI compatible chess engine (such as Stockfish) to analyze chess games, including live online relay. Used for my live chess analysis website, seemingly just known as “Sesse” in the general public.


  • audiosync, a few quick programs to keep the recording from multiple sound cards in sync (using one channel per card for a sync pulse).
  • BetaFTPD, a single-threaded, minimalistic FTP server.
  • bursty, software to test packet loss behavior over the Internet.
  • c64tapwav, a high-quality .wav generator from a C64 TAP file.
  • ccbs, a tournament system for Dance Dance Revolution tournaments.
  • fat-rescue, some snippets for rescuing files from a FAT file system with a broken FAT.
  • fp-downconvert, C code for converting 64-bit IEEE 754 floating-point numbers to 16-bit floating-point numbers, including correct handling of rounding, infinities, denormals and NaN.
  • greasemonkey-scripts, a few Greasemonkey scripts I find useful.
  • GPUwave, an implementation of the split-step Fourier method (simulating underwater acoustics) for the GPU.
  • hamming, a simple but relatively fast implementation of (16,11) and (32,26) extended Hamming codes in C.
  • ITKACL, a simple but generic authorization system with bindings to many languages and systems.
  • keycount, a daemon that counts your keystrokes in the background.
  • mbd, a daemon for relaying broadcast packets for popular games across multiple network segments, (ab)using directed multicast and helper functionality usually meant for DHCP.
  • pitch, my FFT-based guitar tuning program.
  • qmfsplit, a moderate-complexity (O(n log n) in number of subbands, but higher constant factor than straight FFT), small-size (<2kB code with plenty of opportunity for optimization), low-latency, simplistic splitting filter based on quadrature mirror filters (QMF).
  • qscale, a high-quality, high-speed image scaling library.
  • rdpsrv, what was once supposed to be a server for Microsoft's Remote Desktop Protocol (or: how far you can get with a copy of rdesktop and a few days of frantic hacking).
  • sigmoidsmooth, a simple program to fit a sigmoid curve to a set of data points, using the Ceres library.
  • sproing, a very primitive but fun-to-watch solver for (possibly overconstrained) trilateration, triangulation and hybrid problems.
  • stupid, a chess AI that lives up to its name.
  • sudoku, a lightning-fast Sudoku solver.
  • tcxmerge, software for finding the most likely route you took given a GPS track, pedometer/footpod data, and road information from OpenStreetMap, using the Ceres library.
  • ts-ipv6, a binary patch adding IPv6 support to Tiberian Sun.
  • tsp, a program for solving (possibly sparse) travelling salesman problems using memoization (good for up to about twenty cities).
  • ttk-gettext, an interface between Template Toolkit and GNU Gettext, allowing for simple translation of web templates.
  • webpdf, the source code for pdf.sesse.net.
  • wloh, the source code for my Wordfeud rating system (wloh.sesse.net).
  • xml-template, a completely logic-free, cross-language, well-formed-XML-outputting templating system.

Also, when I don't write software on my own, I tend to find things that is wrong in others'. I've lost track of all the patches a long time ago, but I have code in at least Android, autofs, BusyBox, c-ares, CasparCG, cdpd, debian-installer, dpkg, FFmpeg, Frei0r, GIMP, glibc, gpsd, grip, grpc, GStreamer, Hitch, Kdenlive, libusb, Linux, make, Mesa, MLT, MPlayer, MuMuDVB, Net::RawIP, nfs-utils, Request Tracker, rtorrent, Slashcode, Stockfish, TLSe, VLC, typespeed, webalizer, WINE, and probably a lot of others that I forgot.


In reverse chronological order.

  • Henrik Stewénius, Steinar H. Gunderson, Julien Pilet: Size Matters: Exhaustive Geometric Verification for Image Retrieval, European Conference on Computer Vision, 2012.
  • Lorenzo Colitti, Steinar H. Gunderson, Erik Kline, Tiziana Refice: Evaluating IPv6 adoption in the Internet, Passive and Active Measurement Conference, 2010.
  • Steinar H. Gunderson: Musical descriptors: An assessment of psychoacoustical models in the presence of lossy compression, master thesis, 2007.

Last update

This page was last updated October 2020.

Rdesktop Android Version


Rdesktop Android Download